Sherubtse College:
Choki Beda, “Not Just Ordinary”
Yonphula College, 1st group of storytellers:
Chador Wangmo, “A Man of Inspiration”
Phub Dema, “My Encounter with Death”
Phub Dema, “For you, my late nephew”
Tshering Dorji, “A Teacher on his Mission”
Yangchen Lham, “Charm of the Village”
Yonphula College, 2nd group of storytellers:
Chimi Wangmo, “Uncertain Life”
Dechen Tshomo, “Lhasey: the Angel”
Namgay Tashi, “A Journey to an Alien City”
Pema Wangmo, “My First Day at Yonphula”
Pemba, “Missing Love: equated by Apa Nado and Ama Jambayn”
Rakesh Subba, “Unexpected Company”
Sonam Norbu, “Rare Opportunity: Hard to Realize”
Green Bhutanese Writing group, “A Trip to Merak and Sakteng”