6 August (Sun): Blind Date Pizza Hut

Layla gave us a tour of Kanglung, from the Lower Market to the Upper Market. Most of the shops we had already discovered on a less-descriptive tour with Ugyen: we had, for instance, encountered the samosas at Shangrila (Lower Market), the best produce shop (Upper Market), but we hadn’t encountered the JC Store (in the lower part of the upper market). We got Jeremy a school gho and tegu so that he would be ready to begin the school year. Nor had we discovered the Blind Date Pizza Hut, where we stopped for lunch. Nor was it obvious how we ever would have found it (though it does appear on Googlemaps!)—what would have taken us across the fields and past the cows? Service was slow, but the pizza was edible!

Then Jeremy and I went home to rest, while James and Zoë finished the Upper Market tour with Layla. The ATM machine was out of order, so we borrowed some money from Layla to tide us over until it begins to function again.

After our rest, Jeremy and I went to explore the library, in vain hopes of finding internet there. We did have some fun, though.