Trashi Yangtse surroundings

On Saturday, we went back to film just a little bit more in the morning, and then in the afternoon, we went for a hike up in the mountains above the town.

We drove up as far as we could, then scrambled around for a bit until a friendly teacher from the Bayling Central School set us on the right path.

The children, both in town and above the town, found us very entertaining:

Traditional crafts are practiced outside the Institute for Zorig Chusum as well as within it:

Up at the monastery, too, an old man was weaving bamboo, but we didn’t want to intrude on his work. The views from the monastery over the town were lovely, but the images are now lost in the cloud. I will try to add them later…

The next morning, we were up and back on the road, heading home to Kanglung.