It was hard to leave the land of the thunder dragon!

So many things to say farewell to:

The “dorm room” of the guesthouse looked positively spacious without all our stuff!

There were farewell parties up at Yonphula, and a bonfire down at Sherubtse. On the last evening, and the last morning, there were neighbors and colleagues to be sadly missed.

But what touched us most was the caravan of students who drove 90 minutes down the road with us, a kata trailing out the window of the lead car, until we found another group of students waiting to feast us with butter tea and sweet rice on the hillside.

We had given the students little turned bowls from Trashi Yangtse as farewell gifts, and they used those bowls to toast us on the road:

We laughed and we cried and then we said farewell,

driving “to down,” past the classic signs of the Samdrup Jongkhar road.